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What days of the week are driving RevPAR in 2023?

Who knew Thursday-Sunday would be driving 2022 and 2023 RevPAR for hotels? NEVER has Sunday been such a driver of RevPAR as it is in today's U.S. hotel industry. In fact, shoulder days were always a challenge that operations and revenue managers were trying to solve.

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But now, shoulders are actually driving YoY revenue growth across the country. The longer length of stay could be attributed to the hybrid work-remote culture, short-term project business across the country, and (in the lower tier) short-term housing options.

  • How is your hotel managing Shoulder Days differently?
  • How have you shifted your marketing mix to optimize Sunday?
  • Are you noticing an impact in your market?
These are all questions that hoteliers should be asking themselves, in order to take advantage of the changing market. And since Kalibri Labs is the only provider of Hotel Rate Category, Channel, and Length of Stay Benchmarking data, including by Day of Week, our tools and data can help you increase your hotel's profitability and growth. General Managers, Sales Teams, Revenue Leaders, and Developers are all using Kalibri Labs products to maximize their intelligence with Length of Stay benchmarking. If you're interested in getting answers to the questions mentioned above and more, we can show you how.